Clinical Psychologist
Dr. Sarah Stewart

Dr. Sarah Stewart is a clinical psychologist with over 30 years of experience in the field. She has worked with adults, both individual, couples, and groups, and has treated addictions and alcoholism, trauma, complicated grief, anxiety disorders, relationship problems, panic and phobias, self esteem, performance enhancement, and many other issues. Dr. Stewart has extensive experience with running psychotherapy groups and group consultation and has trained for years with Yvonne Agazarian in System Centered Theory (SCT) that still informs much of her thinking. She now has an eclectic, integrative approach, including Internal Family Systems (a model developed by Dr. Richard Schwartz). She has a background in clinically permissive hypnosis, a broad understanding of the 12-Step perspectives, and is an expert in EMDR therapy. Dr. Stewart is currently a trainer in IFS for The Center for Self Leadership. She has been a senior trainer in Intimacy from the Inside Out, a couples-therapy model based on IFS and developed by Toni Herbine-Blank. In addition, Dr. Stewart was a senior supervisor at the Trauma Center in Boston for over 20 years, and has lectured and taught internationally on a variety of subjects (see above). She provides group and individual consultation to therapists wishing to enhance their EMDR, IFIO and/or IFS skills.
Contact Dr. Sarah B. Stewart
Email: drsbstewart@hushmail.com / Tel: (617) 876 - 6735